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A Photo Show of Creative Outdoor Christmas Decorations in Rural Brasil.

Some of the Outdoor Christmas decorations in rural Brasil, as shown here, are made with ingenuity. They use discarded soft drink bottles to make these lovely decorations in Águas da Prata, Poços de Caldas and São Joo da Boa Vista.
See the New Year's Eve Fireworks in Poços de Caldas

Christmas 2007 - Poços de Caldas - Green

Poços de Caldas has several colour themes throughout the downtown area. This one shows the standard green they used in the past two years.

But these are different. Notice the lovely little green trees with red Poinsettias in a planter box. These are ideal for a limited space.

This is a closeup showing the decorations and the details of construction. Very clever and imaginative. They are made fro recycled 2L pop bottles.

These are interesting lights hanging in the trees. They are made from the bottoms of recycled 2L pop bottles.

These ones look like large raspberries. They are quite ingenious.

This tree is loaded with them.

Here is a string of different coloured lights. They have light bulbs inside and are lit up at night.

More lights.

Here is another tree near the City Hall.

Look at the details.

These are the green trees they had last year and the year before. They put one on each corner of the intersection just a block away from the white trees.

They also have those balls with lights in them.

They not only use recycled pop bottles but the recycle the trees for the next year.

Photos by Urso Branco

1 comment:

  1. Wow! From someone that lives in France, it seems to me to be too hot there for Christmas! Just added you as a friend, very interesting blog. :-)


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